This website provides information on my research, teaching, media appearances, and my vita.
I grew up in Germany, where I also started my studies of political science at the Free University of Berlin. During my undergraduate studies, I spent one year at the University of California, Berkeley, focusing on political science and economics. I then pursued a master's degree in international relations with an emphasis on research methods at the London School of Economics and Political Science. From 2013 to 2019, I was a Ph.D. student at Duke University, specializing in political economy and political methodology. The book project based on my dissertation is entitled The Political Economy of Public Bureaucracy: The Emergence of Modern Administrative Organizations. It explains variation in formal and informal bureaucratic institutions and received two honorable mentions: one for the Ernst Haas Award (European Politics and Society) and another one for the Ronald Coase Award (Institutional and Organizational Economics). From 2019 to 2021, I held the position of a post-doctoral research associate in the political economy of good government at the University of Virginia's Department of Politics. In this role, I was also affiliated with the Democracy Initiative and the Corruption Lab on Ethics, Accountability, and the Rule of Law (CLEAR). From 2021 to 2024, I was an assistant professor (Juniorprofessor) in quantitative social science at the Department of Politics and Public Administration at the University of Konstanz in Germany. In this role, I primarily taught courses on quantitative methods and political economy. In addition to the book manuscript based on my dissertation, I have several projects dealing with one of four research agendas: (1) "The Political Economy of Public Bureaucracy," (2) "The Political Economy of Rivalry and Competition," (3) "The Political Economy of the European Union," and (4) "The Historical Political Economy of Democracy and Authoritarianism." Detailed information can be found under research. Work-in-progress can be found there as well. I am a liaison professor (Vertrauensdozent) of the Friedrich Ebert Foundation. Additionally, together with Tine Paulsen and Dmitrii (Dima) Kofanov, I am a co-convenor of the Virtual Workshop in Historical Political Economy (VWHPE). The aim of the workshop is to provide an open forum for participants to discuss state-of-the-art research in historical political economy. For more information, see the VWHPE website. Add me on:
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